Confidently rule out melanoma with the DermTech® Melanoma Test1

What does it do?

The DermTech Melanoma Test non-invasively detects genomic markers associated with melanoma to differentiate benign lesions from those at higher-risk for melanoma and aid dermatologists in biopsy decisions.2,3

The DermTech Melanoma Test has a 99% negative predictive value (NPV), meaning that with a negative test result, there is a 99% probability that the lesion is not melanoma.

How does it work?

  • DermTech Smart Stickers® painlessly collect skin cells from the entire surface of the lesion from which RNA is extracted for genomic analysis4
  • Cellular material is preserved for shipment to the DermTech Gene Lab
  • The test measures the melanoma associated genomic markers LINC00518 and PRAME through RNA gene expression.1,2

Get objective, actionable and easy to interpret results to inform the clinical management of pigmented lesions.1,3

No biomarkers detected

The tested lesion is unlikely to be melanoma.

Negative predictive value (NPV) 99%.1,5
NPV indicates the probability the lesion is not a melanoma.

Biomarker(s) detected

The tested lesion has a higher probability of being melanoma.

LINC00518 Only6
LINC00518 & PRAME1
LINC00518 Only6
LINC00518 & PRAME1

Positive predictive value (PPV) indicates the probability the lesion is a melanoma.

“The DermTech Melanoma Test provides objective genomic information that we can’t obtain any other way. The high 99% NPV helps clinicians confidently differentiate benign lesions from potentially malignant lesions.”

— Laura Ferris, MD, PhD

Professor and Chair of the UNC Department of Dermatology

Recommended use of the DermTech Melanoma Test

Recommended Use

The DermTech Melanoma Test is indicated for use on pigmented lesions that:

  • Meet one or more ABCDE criteria
  • Have a diameter of ≥ 5mm
  • Are on patients 18 years or older

The DermTech Melanoma Test reliably rules out melanoma with a 99% NPV and provides objective, actionable results to guide the management of clinically atypical pigmented lesions.

May be appropriate for patients who:7

  • Have pigmented lesions with a low-to-moderate concern for malignancy
  • Have difficult-to-biopsy lesions
  • Have lesions in cosmetically sensitive areas
  • Are needle-averse and seeking a non-invasive option
  • Are poor biopsy candidates

    Not appropriate for lesions:

    • On palms of hands, soles of feet, nails, mucous membranes or hair covered areas that cannot be trimmed
    • That are ulcerated or bleeding

    How to use the DermTech Melanoma Test

    Learn how to use the DermTech Smart Stickers to collect skin cells from an equivocal pigmented lesion. It takes less than 5 minutes per lesion and can be performed by medical staff or at home under supervision.

    Publications in staggered assortment

    Clinically proven. Well studied. Widely used.1,2,5

    • Included in the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Melanoma: Cutaneous8,a
    • Clinically validated, as supported by 20+ peer-reviewed publications4,6
    • Used to test more than 225,000+ lesions by 4,300+ clinicians to date9
    • Clinically Validated with 91% Sensitivity, 69% Specificity, and 99% NPV

    Easy to order. Easy to collect. Easy to read.


    Adhesive Skin Collection Kits included in the price of the test.b To order, contact us or ask your representative.


    Press the DermTech Smart Sticker onto the equivocal lesion. Outline the lesion, then lift to capture the patient’s skin cells Repeat with the remaining 3 Smart Stickers.


    Results are returned from the DermTech Gene Lab to your office typically within 5 business days.


    Clear, actionable results for atypical pigmented lesions. Negative: 99% probability the lesion is not melanoma.1,2,5 Positive: Higher probability of being melanoma.

    Download Test Requisition Form

    Insurance & Billing Policy

    We are committed to making our tests accessible to all who may benefit from it. DermTech’s Patient Services is available to assist patients with questions they may have about billing process, as well as eligibility for our patient assistance programs. We will work directly with each patient to help answer their questions as well as provide alternatives for uninsured or underinsured patients.

    Broad insurance coverage

    DermTech works with all insurance providers, including Medicare, Tricare, and commercial insurers to secure payment coverage for tests. The DermTech Melanoma Test is covered by several major insurance providers, and has $0 out-of-pocket costs for Medicare.c

    After processing your test, DermTech will bill a claim to your insurance. Your insurance company will process our claim, then send you an explanation of benefits (EOB). An EOB is not a bill. Unsure if its an EOB or a bill?

    Once your claim is complete you will receive a statement from DermTech. You can pay online or over the phone with our billing team at 858-291-7500. Our Patient Services Team is here to assist you with any questions.

    Financial assistance program

    DermTech Patient Services is ready to help patients with insurance coverage questions and financial assistance for those who qualify — because we believe financial hardship should not stand in the way of quality patient care.


    Reach out to your dedicated DermTech Patient Services representative at (858) 291-7500.

    Adopt DermTech into your practice today.

    aNCCN makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever regarding their content, use or application and disclaims any responsibility for their application or use in any way.
    bDistribution of the Adhesive Skin Collection Kit is included in the reimbursement to DermTech for conducting the DermTech Melanoma Test.
    cPlease refer to LCD #38151 for additional Medicare coverage criteria.


    1. Gerami P, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017;76(1):114-120. 2. Jackson S, et al. SKIN J Cutan Med. 2020;4(2):105-110. 3. Ferris L, et al. Dermatol Online J. 2019;25(5):2. 4. Yao Z, et al. J Drugs Dermatol. 2017;16(10):979-986. 5. Skelsey M, et al. SKIN J Cutan Med. 2021;5(5):512-523. 6. Data on file. DermTech, Inc. 7. Brouha B, et al. J Drugs Dermatol. 2020;19(3):257-262. 8. Brouha B, et al. SKIN J Cutan Med. 2021;5(1):13-18. 9. Referenced with permission from the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Melanoma: Cutaneous V.2.2021. © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2021. All rights reserved. Accessed October 31, 2021. To view the most recent and complete version of the guideline, go online to