DermTech It® via Telehealth
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Remote Collection Instruction Video

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to DermTech It
The test can be done remotely, with your doctor’s order and supervision. Download these easy instructions to learn how to prep, collect, and send off your DermTech sample remotely.
What is the DermTech Melanoma Test (PLA)?
Because it can find indications of melanoma at this more precise level, the disease can be detected far earlier than the current biopsy pathway.17
The DermTech Melanoma Test uses a Smart Sticker® to pull skin tissue off the entire surface of the mole painlessly and without an incision.
How does it work?
If your doctor has identified a suspicious skin spot — maybe one they would normally take a photograph of and track — they can use the DermTech Melanoma test to rule out melanoma (with 99% accuracy, better than the 83% accuracy of the current biopsy care pathway).18,19
Once they have identified the spot, they’ll open the “Adhesive Skin Collection Kit” to begin the test. They’ll use the Smart Sticker to lift skin tissue off the spot by pressing, rubbing, and lifting the sticker. They’ll do this four times, placing each sticker on the collection strip.
This strip then gets sent to our Gene Lab. At the lab, a DermTech patented process tests your sample for expression levels of two specific genes associated with melanoma, named PRAME and LINC00518.
Results are sent to your physician in about 3 business days. Your doctor will use this information to choose the best path forward for your treatment. If the genomic markers are there, this will typically result in removal of the spot. If not, you’ve likely saved yourself a scar.
Does the DermTech Melanoma Test hurt?
Not typically. The sticker uses a proprietary adhesive to lift 1.5 mg of tissue off the top layer of your skin, but it’s not so strong that it would cause pain, bleeding or damage to the site. In certain cases, mild irritation or other effects may occur.
Does the DermTech test replace a biopsy?
The DermTech Melanoma Test is not a replacement for a biopsy. If the genomic markers are there, your doctor will use this information to choose the best path forward for your treatment. This will likely result in removal of the mole. The DermTech Melanoma Test is rather a step before a biopsy that can see indicators of the disease far earlier than the traditional biopsy pathway can.20
We’re here to help, whether that’s guiding you through the process, answering your questions, or helping you find a DermTech specialist. Give us a call, send us an e-mail, or chat with us.